Third BuildERS Colloquium - The role of care organisations in disaster management

Join us on the 13th of January to discuss the special role care organisations have as intermediaries between vulnerable individuals and the authorities and potential ways to leverage their skills and knowledge to improve crisis response. 
Third BuildERS Colloquium - The role of care organisations in disaster management

Social service providers work to mitigate social disadvantage, which may particularly loom during a crisis like today’s pandemic. Social service providers have a close understanding of the needs of their clients. However, our findings indicate that this knowledge on the diverse life situations is rarely taken into account in tailoring the crisis preparedness and response measures. One of the reasons seems to be that there is a lack of interaction between the disaster management and social service providers. The Colloquium focuses on mechanisms of communicating the needs of the diverse society to the disaster managers.  At the meeting we will first present brief accounts of the related BuildERS research. Second, we will invite discussion on the intermediary role of care organisations between the individuals in vulnerable situations and authorities.

The event will take place on January 13, between 11:00 and 12:45 CET

Agenda of the event

Introduction and short pitches on BuildERS studies (15 min)

Social care organisations as advocates of the most marginalised during the pandemic  
-    Turning a ”blind eye” on vulnerabilities? Managing floods and COVID-19 in Germany  
-    Upraising earth-quake survivors needs in displacement strategies in Italy 
-    Ways forward in engaging the needs of diverse society in vulnerability assessment 


Breakout to language-based discussion groups (45 min)

Key discussion themes:

What are the care organisations’ experiences of involvement in disaster management so far?

How could care organisations contribute to the disaster management in the ideal world?


Joint discussion and wrap-up (20 min)


The participation is free of charge and is held via Teams (to register, go here: